Embark on a captivating journey through the enchanting world of "Wayward," a delightful puzzle game crafted by a talented team of three developers. Step into the role of the Woodsman, a solitary figure accompanied by his trusted companion, a wise and loyal pet owl. Together, you will navigate through intricate puzzles, unravel mysteries, and explore the secrets hidden within a lush and mystical forest.
In "Wayward," your wits will be tested as you encounter a series of mind-bending challenges that will require both cunning and logic to overcome. Each level presents a unique puzzle, meticulously designed to engage your problem-solving abilities. Manipulate the environment, leverage the Woodsman's skills, and harness the owl's powers of perception to unravel the secrets that lie in your path.
"Wayward" is the remarkable result of a collaborative effort between three talented developers, pooling their creative expertise to bring this captivating puzzle game to life.
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